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Complete Lines

Complete Lines

Bread, croissants, cupcakes, donuts: we do have the process and engineering
capabilities to work with customers from definition of requirements,
and eventually lay down custom-made bakery solutions that take products
from make-up to packaging.

Custom-made designs
Integration capabilities
Space-saving solutions
Spiral solution for gluten free tin bread

Spiral solution for gluten-free tin bread

Sometimes floorspace is extremely limited, and market conditions force bakers to the
deploy flexible production solutions. If this is the case, we can help and design bakery lines
that maximize the use of spiral systems all along the various steps of the baking process.

Tunnel bakery line for croissants

Tunnel bakery line for croissants

When production rates are demanding, market demand is stable and predictable,
and floorspace is not an issue, tunnel bakery lines can be the right choice. We do have
what it takes to deliver the solution for constant quality at high production rates.

Integrated technology

Integrated Technology

We own diverse thermal treatment technologies to accommodate the most diverse production needs to deliver bakery and pastry products safely and efficiently from proofing to freezing.
Our partners in other core areas will help us conceive the right and tailormade solution for you.

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